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작성일 : 23-07-20 12:24
It's always the best site
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 982  
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Pointing out social responsibility leads to high-one points, in other words, "comp." Gangwon Land used 98.43 billion won in direct management stores as of 2021, while 13.733 billion won was used in franchises in abandoned mines, seven times more in direct management stores.

Rep. Kim Kyung-man of the Democratic Party of Korea said that the "High One Point Regional Use System" was introduced to revitalize the economy of abandoned mines, serving as a local currency in Gangwon Land, four lodging businesses, general food, supermarkets and gas stations.

It is known that Gangwon Land, created by the abandoned mine area, is not socially responsible for forgetting the purpose of using the abandoned mine area and filling its stomach.


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