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작성일 : 23-07-08 22:03
I invite you all Come on over at any time✅
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 1,015  
In order to revitalize the resident participation system, the age of the proposed ordinance was eased, and the requirements for the claim were set as a series of letters under the ordinance within one-200th of the total number of residents aged 18 or older, but the policy was not acceptable.

The comprehensive international free city plan has been caught up in criticism that it rather runs counter to the national law plan. Jeju Island planned to set the plan as a provincial ordinance, which was stipulated by Presidential Decree.

The special case for small breeding facilities was also pushed to set


quarantine measures for small breeding facilities as a provincial ordinance to block livestock infectious diseases, but it was excluded from the final agenda due to controversy over its appropriateness.

The Jeju Special Act, which includes seven-stage system improvement tasks, will leave only the gates of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee's plenary session on the 20th and the plenary session on the 21st. If passed by the National Assembly, the bill review will be completed 20 months after the bill is submitted in November 2021.

Thank you. >>



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