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작성일 : 23-06-21 12:55
This is the beginning Please start right away♥
 글쓴이 : JamesDean
조회 : 1,095  
Thanks to the full-fledged resumption of direct flights to China at Jeju Dream Tower, it has set a record for monthly sales since its opening and succeeded in turning into a surplus.


Lotte Tourism Development announced on the 18th that net sales of Dream Tower Casino, a foreigner-only casino in Jeju Dream Tower Complex Resort, recorded 9.96 billion won in April. This is the total sales minus agent fees. Based on total sales compiled by the Casino Association, it is 14.69 billion won.

This sales performance is a 1.6-fold increase from March (6.11 billion won) before the direct flight to China opened in earnest, as well as a 4.7-fold increase from the same period last year (2.13 billion won). It is the highest monthly sales ever since the opening of Jeju Dream Tower in June 2021.

Thank you. >>

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